Get Help Now

Your life is important, no matter what you have done or what has been done to you. There is help. Siblingsexualtrauma.com and 5WAVES do not have the ability to give counsel on your individual situation, but in the list below, you can find someone who will. We encourage you to make that call or type that text, if you are on a device and in a space that is safe to do so.
All “Helplines” offer live help from a real person, by voice, text, chat, various apps, or email. Some are available 24/7, others are staffed during limited hours. They are anonymous and confidential. They will not ask you for personal information and they cannot report to law enforcement unless you choose to tell them names and locations. Other resources listed below can help you find long-term help and healing.

https://nomoredirectory.org/ (All languages translation upper left) Worldwide listing of support centres for sexual and domestic violence
https://www.sweetwaterfoundation.ca/# (English) International Helpline, WhatsApp
https://childhelplineinternational.org/helplines/ (English) International listing of Child Helplines
https://www.whatsok.org/ (English, translation tool bottom right) teen and young adult website, email and helpline (limited hours) for any question or concern about sexuality, including concerns that you have crossed a line. Sponsored by Stop It Now
https://findahelpline.com/ (English) search helplines worldwide by location and topic
https://www.atsa.com/referral (English) Association for the Treatment and Prevention of Sexual Abuse international, confidential tool providing five free referrals for treatment for harmful sexual behavior targeted to your postal code
https://www.rcne.com/contact/countries/ (English and local languages) Rape Crisis Network Europe, links to sexual assault crisis and support centres across Europe
https://hiddenwatercircle.org/ (English) Zoom-based restorative justice process for individuals and families
https://www.rainn.org/ 24/7 Helpline for survivors of any sexual abuse/assault/trauma
https://1in6.org/ 24/7 Helpline for men with unwanted sexual experiences
https://www.stopitnow.org/get-immediate-help website, email and helpline (limited hours) for adults concerned about their own, or someone else’s sexual thoughts or behaviours towards children, prevention of child sexual abuse, or their experience of being sexually abuse d as a child
https://www.whatsok.org/ teen and young adult website, email and helpline (limited hours) for any question or concern about sexuality, including concerns that you have crossed a line. Sponsored by Stop It Now!
https://childhelphotline.org/ Information and questions for reporting child abuse
https://988lifeline.org/ US Suicide/Mental Health Hotline
https://www.crisistextline.org/ Chat, WhatsApp, or text HOME to 741741
https://www.crisistextline.org/es/ Envía un mensaje de texto con la palabra AYUDA al 741741, tambien WhatsApp
https://www.thetrevorproject.org/get-help/ Crisis support for LGTBQ+ young people
https://safehelpline.org/how-to-get-help US Military and Dept of Defense worldwide helpline

Live Crisis Services
https://dsahelpline.org/ 24/7 Helpline, voice, chat, email, for sexual and domestic abuse and violence
https://safeline.org.uk/services/national-male-helpline/ (English) Helpline (limited hours) and online support for male survivors of sexual abuse and assault and those who support them
https://rapecrisis.org.uk/get-help/want-to-talk/ (English) 24/7 Helpline Rape Crisis England and Wales for survivors of sexual abuse and violence
https://www.stopitnow.org.uk/ (English) website, email and helpline (limited hours) for adults concerned about their own, or someone else’s sexual thoughts or behaviours towards children, prevention of child sexual abuse, or their experience of being sexually abused as a child
https://www.lifelinehelpline.info/ 24/7 Suicide Crisis Line
https://giveusashout.org/ 24/7 Crisis Text Line: 85258
https://www.childline.org.uk/ (English) 24/7 Child Line mental health support for children
https://www.childline.org.uk/get-support/contacting-childline/contacting-childline-in-welsh/ (Cymru) Child Line mental health support for children
https://www.childline.org.uk/get-support/contacting-childline/#BSL-counselling (BSL) Child Line mental health support for children
https://www.nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/reporting-abuse/nspcc-helpline/ (English) help by email for anyone with concerns about a child’s safety
Ongoing Support Services
https://siblingsexualabusesupport.org/ (English) support for survivors of sibling sexual abuse age 13+
https://www.purpleleaf.org.uk/ssa/ (English) Services for families affected by sibling sexual abuse and all children involved/affected
https://www.thrivingsurvivors.co.uk/sibling-services Trauma-informed services for anyone in a family affected by sibling sexual trauma, based in Scotland
https://www.barnardos.org.uk/what-we-do/services/junction (English) Services for children with harmful sexual behavior in England and Wales
https://www.thrivingsurvivors.co.uk/restorative-justice (English) Restorative Justice process specifically for cases of sexual abuse
https://nexusni.org/ (English) Northern Ireland support for survivors of domestic and sexual abuse
https://learning.nspcc.org.uk/services-children-families/ncats (English) National Clinical Assessment and Treatment Service (NCATS) is a national service that offers assessment, treatment, consultation and training for and about children and young people where there are concerns about harmful sexual behaviour (HSB)
https://stopso.org.uk/ (English) Therapy for prevention of and healing from child sexual abuse
https://www.thesurvivorstrust.org/find-support (English) For survivors of sexual assault
https://www.bacp.co.uk/ (English) Find a therapist

https://www.rainn.org/ (English/Espanol) 24/7 Helpline for survivors of any sexual abuse/assault/trauma
https://kidshelpphone.ca/urgent-help (English) Kids Help–Get Help Now
https://jeunessejecoute.ca/aide-urgente/ (Francais) Kids Help–Get Help Now
https://endingviolencecanada.org/sexual-assault-centres-crisis-lines-and-support-services/ (English) sexual assault crisis centre links for each province and territory
​https://www.stopitnow.org/ (English) website, email and helpline (limited hours) for adults concerned about their own, or someone else’s sexual thoughts or behaviours towards children, prevention of child sexual abuse, or their experience of being sexually abused as a child
https://www.whatsok.org/ (English, translation tool in bottom right) Teen and Young Adult Helpline (limited hours) for any question or concern about sexuality, including concerns that you have crossed a line. Sponsored by Stop It Now! https://talksuicide.ca/ (English) suicide hotline
https://parlonssuicide.ca/ (Francais) suicide hotline
https://www.crisistextline.org/about-us/where-we-are/ (English) Crisis Text Line
https://www.crisistextline.org/es/donde-nos-encontramos/ (Espanol)
https://talkingforchange.ca/ (English) prevention and help for harmful sexual behavior
https://parlerpourchanger.ca/ (Francais) prevention and help for harmful sexual behavior
https://www.sweetwaterfoundation.ca/where-to-get-help/ (English)
https://menandhealing.ca/ (English) Online trauma therapy for men

​https://www.1800respect.org.au/ (English, click upper right for translation and accessibility) sexual assault and domestic violence crisis line
https://www.nasasv.org.au/support-directory (English) Australian Sexual Assault Service Directory
https://www.stopitnow.org.au/ (English) website, email and helpline (limited hours) for adults concerned about their own, or someone else’s sexual thoughts or behaviours towards children, prevention of child sexual abuse, or their experience of being sexually abused as a child
https://www.lifeline.org.au/ (English) suicide/mental health support line
https://aifs.gov.au/resources/resource-sheets/mandatory-reporting-child-abuse-and-neglect (English) reporting child abuse in Australia
New Zealand

http://www.safetotalk.nz/ (English) Sexual harm helpline, for you or someone you are concerned about
https://www.stop.org.nz/ (English) Assessment and intervention for children, teens and adults who have caused or are at risk to cause sexual harm https://sexualabuse.org.nz/resources/find-sexual-assault-support-near-you/ (English) listing of sexual abuse and assault support centres across NZ
https://www.youthline.co.nz/helpline.html (English) Youth support helpline and resource centres
https://whatsup.co.nz/ (English) Youth mental health support helpline
https://1737.org.nz/ (English) Need to Talk? mental health support line
https://www.lifeline.org.nz/ (English) Suicide and mental health crisis helpline
https://www.victimsupport.org.nz/get-support/sexual-violence (English) victim support services and helpline

https://www.sosviol.be/ (Francais) sexual abuse and assault support
https://stopitnow.be/ (Vlaams) email and helplines (limited hours) for adults concerned about their own, or someone else’s sexual thoughts or behaviours towards children, or their experience of being sexually abused as a child
https://seos.be/ (Francais) email and helplines (limited hours) for adults concerned about their own, or someone else’s sexual thoughts or behaviours towards children, or their experience of being sexually abused as a child

https://talmedos.redbarnet.dk/ (Dansk) for children, young people, parents, and professionals who are worried about their own or anyone else's sexual behavior toward children; voice, chat, or email

https://text50808.ie/ HELLO to 50808 Text About It Helpline 24/7
https://www.oneinfour.ie/ (English) prevention and support for survivors of childhood sexual abuse

https://www.1202.org.il/en/ (English/עִברִית) Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel, hotlines for men and women of all religious affiliations
https://en.eran.org.il/ (עב | EN | العربية) ERAN Mental Health hotline, voice or chat
https://www.bahamascrisiscentre.com/ (English) 24 hour helpline, any type of abuse, domestic violence, mental health crisis support
441-297-8278 (English) Domestic Abuse Resource Hotline
441-297-8278 (English) Men in Crisis Hotline, answered by men
https://vanha.mielenterveystalo.fi/aikuiset/hae_neuvoja_ja_apua/apua_247/Pages/default.aspx (Suomi) crisis helpline listing and self-help resources, including concerns about sexuality
https://cfcv.asso.fr/ (Francais) sexual assault crisis help
https://www.hilfetelefon.de/das-hilfetelefon/beratung/telefon-beratung.html (Deutsch) violence against women helpline
https://www.sweetwaterfoundation.ca/# (English) Helpline, WhatsApp
Action for Children 473-440-2822
http://www.lifelinefoundation.in/ (English) suicide hotline and support
https://www.npa.go.jp/higaisya/seihanzai/seihanzai.html (Japanese) #8103 Prefectural Police Counseling Service for Victims of Sexual Crime
https://www.stopitnow.nl/ (Nederlands) website, email and helpline (limited hours) for adults concerned about their own, or someone else’s sexual thoughts or behaviours towards children, prevention of child sexual abuse, or their experience of being sexually abused as a child
https://hfsm.no/ (Norsk) Hotline and services for survivors of sexual abuse and incest and their families Hotline 800 57 000
South Korea
Korea Sexual Violence Resource Centre 02-2263-6475
https://prevensi.es/ (Espanol) website, email and helpline (limited hours) for adults concerned about their own, or someone else’s sexual thoughts or behaviours towards children, prevention of child sexual abuse, or their experience of being sexually abused as a child
https://preventell.se/ (Svenska) Help for those concerned about their own sexual behavior, parents, professionals
https://preventell.se/?lang=en# (English) Help for those concerned about their own sexual behavior, parents, professionals
Trinidad and Tobago
Rape Crisis Society of Trindad and Tobago, Port of Spain:
868-627-7273 voice (English)
868-346-2637 sms text (English)
868-866-7428 (Espanol) 6PM-6AM
5WAVES, Inc and Siblingsexualtrauma.com does not have the ability to fully read these websites or test the functionality of these helplines. If they do not offer services that are specifically helpful to your situation of sibling sexual trauma, they may be able to recommend other local resources. Please contact us at info@5waves.org if any of these links are incorrect, inappropriate or broken, or if you have any other international resources to recommend.