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Help Fund our SEO Efforts
Join us to bring this site to the top of search results, so those who need it will find it. 

It's hard for a parent of sibling sexual trauma to point to the worst moment of their journey, or even to choose the top ten. But one of mine was the night I turned to Google and found nothing. The isolation, despair and terror that I already felt was magnified tenfold.


Years later, I created this site so no one else would have to find their way alone. There are now other resources devoted to sibling sexual abuse, and more are slowly being added. Still, is so far the only site providing comprehensive information and resources directed specifically at sibling sexual trauma and abuse, for anyone affected in any way. 


You found this site when you needed it. Here is a chance to pay it forward. Donate Now via PayPal to help 5WAVES hire professional SEO (Search Engine Optimization) help. So many people who need the site don't even know what words to type. We need a specialized SEO strategy that will help them find it, even when they are in the middle of trauma and crisis. 


5WAVES, Inc. is organized and operated as a public charity in the US under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. IRS recognition of 501(c)(3) status is pending and expected. For more information or to donate by other means, contact us at

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